Introducing the real and authentic humans that run the small businesses in our downtowns and on our main streets.
As we head into the holiday shopping season, think local first when checking off your list. From seasonal markets to curated boutiques and one-of-a-kind finds, you'll find everything you need in Downtown Halifax.
Pledge your support by visiting buylocalagain.ca and be entered to win a $100 gift card!
Downtown Halifax Business Commission, Downtown Dartmouth Business Commission, Kentville Business Community, North End Business Association, Porters Lake Business Improvement Association, Quinpool Road Mainstreet District Association, Sackville Business Association, Spring Garden Area Business Association, Spryfield Business Commission, and The Village on Main ‐ Community Improvement District, came together to partner on this campaign to thank those who have supported our small, local businesses during the pandemic, and encourage them to continue think and buy local first.
When you shop local, you support our mainstreets, our communities, our friends, and our neighbours.

Shop Local with the Downtown Halifax Holiday Gift Guide
Looking for some local shopping inspiration? Take a look at the 2022 Downtown Halifax Holiday Gift Guide, filled with tons of gift ideas from over 100 businesses in the Downtown Halifax and Spring Garden area.
AND check out DHBC's CEO Paul MacKinnon on CTV's Morning Live showcasing local gift ideas from the Gift Guide.
Watch the video here.
Coming Downtown to shop this holiday season and wondering where to park? Make your parking plan before you head out! Check out our parking page here.
Check out DELIGHTFUL DOWNTOWN - Downtown Halifax's vibrant light program
Wondering what's happening Downtown this holiday season? Visit Celebrate the Holidays in Downtown Halifax for more information.