External Social Media Policy

Welcome to Our Online Community 

The Downtown Halifax Business Commission (DHBC) is dedicated to fostering a vibrant, respectful, and engaging online community where information, ideas, and conversations about Downtown Halifax thrive. We encourage our followers and subscribers to share their thoughts, questions, and experiences. 

Community Guidelines 

To ensure a positive experience for all community members, we ask that you follow these guidelines: 

  • Be Respectful: Treat others as you would like to be treated. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required. 
  • Stay Relevant: Contribute to the conversation with information pertinent to the content shared by DHBC. 
  • Protect Privacy: Do not share personal or confidential information about yourself or others. 


Prohibited Behaviors 

We want our social media channels to be a safe space for everyone. The following behaviors are grounds for removal or blocking: 

  • Offensive Content: Posts that include discrimination, hate speech, harassment, or threats are not tolerated. 
  • Spam and Solicitation: Repeated posting of the same content, or any form of solicitation, will be removed. 
  • False Information: Sharing verifiably false information or misleading content undermines our community's integrity. 
  • Illegal Activities: Do not use our platforms to conduct or endorse illegal activities. 



DHBC reserves the right to remove any content that violates these guidelines or diminishes the quality of our community discourse. Users who consistently or egregiously breach our community guidelines may be blocked or banned from participating in our channels. 

Reporting Concerns 

If you see something on our social media that you believe violates these guidelines, please report it to us. 

Acceptance of Terms 

By engaging with DHBC’s social media channels, you agree to adhere to these guidelines. We appreciate your cooperation and support in creating a welcoming and constructive online community. 

Contact Us 

For more information about our social media policies or to report a concern, please contact: 

  • Email: info@downtownhalifax.ca 
  • Phone: 902 423-6658 
  • www.downtownhalifax.ca 


Thank you for being a part of DHBC’s online community. Let's work together to ensure it remains a positive space for all.