Deck the Downtown Grant
Only a few left for 2024!
Downtown Halifax Business Commission (DHBC) is once again offering the Deck the Downtown Grant for the 2024 holiday season.
The Deck the Downtown Grant will help businesses subsidize the cost to ‘deck out’ their storefronts for the holidays with a maximum grant of $300.00 (excluding tax) per business.
It is available to ground floor businesses that are categorized as retail, food & drink, personal care/retail services, attractions, and accommodations, and are in the DHBC catchment area.
NEW IN 2024: In order to brighten up the general Downtown area for the holidays this year, the Deck the Downtown Grant can only be used for exterior or exterior-facing holiday decorations and trimmings. Exterior and exterior-facing decorations and trimmings can include (but are not limited to) lights, wreaths, garlands, trees, storefront window painting, festive planters, and/or ornaments. We are also asking that businesses who do receive a grant, have the exterior (or exterior facing windows and/or door(s)) of their store/business decorated by Friday, November 22, 2024. This date marks the start of the annual Evergreen Festival on the Halifax Waterfront, and is the unofficial "kick-off" to the holiday season in Downtown Halifax.
Businesses that have already purchased new holiday decorations, trimmings, and enhancements can apply for the grant if the new items were purchased within the 2024 calendar year and will be used for the 2024 holiday season.
If your business is interested in applying for the Deck the Downtown grant, email Becca MacAulay, Office Administrator, at, with the following information:
- Name of business
- Address
- Contact name and title
- Email and phone number
- Type of business (e.g. restaurant/bar/café, retail, personal care/retail services, attraction or accommodation)
- Outline of what will be purchased with the grant
Applications will be evaluated and awarded on a first-come, first-served basis until either funds for the grant are depleted or until 5:00 pm (AST) on Friday, November 15, 2024.
Please read the Terms & Conditions (below) before submitting your grant application.
Terms & Conditions
Click to read
Terms & Conditions:
The Deck the Downtown Grant program is offering grants up to a maximum of $300.00 excluding tax per business. Businesses are welcome to apply for an amount LESS than $300.00. Grants are a one-time only grant to assist businesses and organizations during the 2024 holiday season.
The grant is open to DHBC members that occupy a ground floor space and are categorized as retail shops, food & drink, personal care/retail services, attractions, and accommodation-type businesses, and are located in the Downtown Halifax catchment area.
Businesses can only use the grant to purchase exterior holiday decorations and trimmings AND/OR decorations and trimmings to decorate the interior of street-facing windows and/or doors that could include (but are not limited to) lights, wreaths, garlands, trees, storefront window painting, festive planters, and ornaments. Exterior decorations, and decorations used to decorate the inside of exterior-facing windows and/or doors will only be considered this year as a way to brighten up the general Downtown area for the holiday season. Other materials and equipment will also be considered if the business can prove they are needed (for example, hardware to hang decorations).
The Call for Applications is opening September 9, 2024, and applications will be accepted until 5:00 pm (AST) on Friday, November 15, 2024 (or until funds are fully allocated).
Grant applications will be reviewed and approved by DHBC, contingent upon meeting the criteria and sufficient funds in the overall program. Grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, and applicants will receive notification within two (2) business days if their application is successful or not. If the funds for the grant are depleted before Friday, November 15, 2024, DHBC will make an official announcement by email to all members and applicants that the grant application process is closed.
DHBC members who receive the grant are asked to have their exterior decorations up by Friday, November 22, 2024, for the start of the Evergreen Festival, and will be asked to submit photographic proof to DHBC that their business is decorated by that date or risk forfeiting their grant.
Once the material is purchased, the business/organization will send proof of purchase/payment (receipts with dates), and an invoice for the material amount (up to $300.00 excluding tax) to DHBC by
Friday, January 31, 2025.
DHBC will provide the funds to the businesses once sufficient proof is met. Refunds will be processed every thirty (30) days and mailed directly to the applicant in the form of a cheque.
If a business has already purchased new exterior holiday decorations and/or enhancements for the 2024 holiday season, they can still apply as long as the purchase date(s) falls in the 2024 calendar year and they are used for the
2024 holiday season.
Businesses and organizations with more than one establishment or location in Downtown Halifax are eligible to apply for one grant per location.
If it is determined by DHBC that a grant recipient did not use the full amount they were awarded, the materials purchased were not related to exterior-facing holiday decorations, used for the 2024 holiday season, or their business was not decorated by Friday, November 22, 2024, then DHBC reserves the right to either deny payment to the grant recipient, or pay an adjusted amount based on valid receipts received.
Grants are provided at the discretion of Downtown Halifax Business Commission.
For more information, contact Becca MacAulay, Office Administrator, at 902-444-0294 or