Dawn MacNutt Book Launch & Signing - Timeless Forms
The Prow Gallery
The Prow Gallery, 1479 Lower Water St., Bishop's Landing, Halifax
The Prow Gallery
About the Event
Join us as we celebrate Dawn MacNutt and the release of Timeless Forms. Dawn will be at The Prow Gallery to sign her book. Timeless Forms will be available for purchase.
Timeless Forms brings together over a hundred images of MacNutt’s sculptures and textiles, weaving them into the story of her life: from growing up in rural Nova Scotia during the Second World War; through her studies at Mount Allison University under the guidance of Alex Colville; to marriages, motherhood and finding, in her forties, the courage to throw herself into art full time. Writing about her unique artistic journey with humour and empathy, MacNutt finds joy in the face of loss and resilience in the face of adversity.