DHBC Event Sponsorship Program
Downtown Halifax Business Commission (DHBC) offers a limited number of sponsorships for events and activations as part of DHBC’s Event Sponsorship Program. This program was designed to increase event attendance at events happening in Downtown Halifax, and to make the Downtown area a more attractive location for event organizers.
Applications have closed for events taking place between April 1 and September 30, 2025. If you are organizing an event in Downtown Halifax that will take place between October 1, 2025, and March 31, 2026, please apply by September 5, 2025.
Sponsorships are awarded based on the estimated attendance for an event and can range from $250.00 up to (but not exceeding) $7,500.00 including HST (if applicable). Sponsorship applicants are welcome to apply for any monetary amount based on the estimated attendance of their event within the ranges indicated below:
- Estimated Attendance: under 1,000 | Maximum you can apply for: $2,500
- Estimated Attendance: between 1,000 - 10,000 | Maximum you can apply for: $5,000
- Estimated Attendance: over 10,000 | Maximum you can apply for: $7,500
For example, an event with an attendance estimate of 3,000 people can apply for up to $5,000.00, while an event expecting 400 people can apply for up to $2,500.00. An accurate event attendance estimation is required for the application.
DHBC reviews and evaluates applications twice a year. The first assessment period, in March, covers applications for events happening between April 1 and September 30. The second assessment period, in September, covers applications for events taking place between October 1 and March 31.
Please consider the eligibility requirements before applying for an Event Sponsorship:
- The event(s) must take place in DHBC’s catchment area for an application to be considered. DHBC does not sponsor activations, initiatives, or events that take place outside of the Downtown Halifax area.
- DHBC members organizing events outside of the DHBC catchment area are not eligible for sponsorship.
- DHBC does not sponsor political or religious events or rallies; professional and/or B2B conventions, conferences, workshops or meetings; or charities or charitable events that are exclusively fundraising efforts.
- DHBC does not sponsor events or initiatives that are virtual or online only.
- First-time applicants must provide proof of venue and/or location booking confirmation with their application. Applications without this proof will not be considered for sponsorship.
- Returning applicants who have previously received a DHBC event sponsorship must submit the Event Summary Report for their last sponsored event before their next application will be considered.
Event Sponsorship Program Guidelines
Event Sponsorship Application
Send the completed application (and any supporting materials if applicable) to Allana MacDonald Mills, allana@downtownhalifax.ca.
For more information regarding DHBC's Event Sponsorship program, contact Allana MacDonald Mills at allana@downtownhalifax.ca
How does DHBC evaluate event sponsorship applications?
DHBC reviews and evaluates applications twice a year*. The first assessment period, in March, covers applications for events happening between April 1 and September 30. The second assessment period, in September, covers applications for events taking place between October 1 and March 31. DHBC will announce when applications are being accepted through its communication channels, including the website and social media.
Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by DHBC's Marketing Action Team that is comprised of DHBC staff and members, as well as at least one member of DHBC's Board of Directors. The Team will evaluate all sponsorship applications against the guidelines outlined in the Event Sponsorship Program Guidelines. All applicants will be notified of the status of their application by late March for the first assessment period, and by late September for the second assessment period.
Successful applicants will be asked to sign a sponsorship agreement and will receive a DHBC Event Sponsorship Package, which includes DHBC logos, Terms & Conditions, and additional materials.
*Since this is the first year DHBC will be reviewing applications in two assessment periods, there may be some flexibility, at the discretion of DHBC’s Director of Marketing and the Marketing Action Team, for applications submitted outside the designated assessments periods to be considered for an event sponsorship.
What criteria does DHBC and the Marketing Action Team review when evaluating applications?
Event Sponsorship applications are assessed based on the following guidelines as outlined in the Event Sponsorship Program Guidelines:
While DHBC aims to support events of all sizes, its primary goal is to attract people to Downtown Halifax. Therefore, the number of attendees your event is expected to draw will be the main factor in evaluating applications. Applicants must provide an accurate attendance estimate or projection, based on previous years, similar to events, venue size, or other relevant factors.
Applicants must explain how the event will benefit DHBC members (all businesses and organizations in Downtown Halifax) by outlining how attendees will support other local businesses. Additionally, how DHBC members can get involved in the event will also be considered.
Applicants must explain how DHBC’s sponsorship will positively impact the event. For example, would the event be able to take place without the support of DHBC’s Event Sponsorship Program
Applicants must demonstrate how their event will provide positive exposure for DHBC’s brand and Downtown Halifax through branding, promotion, and other opportunities, as well as how it will enhance public perception of the area.
DHBC is committed to ensuring that our programs are equitable, accessible, and inclusive for all. Applicants are encouraged to highlight, where applicable, how their event or activation fosters inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility. This could include, but is not limited to, the target audience, the type of event (e.g., celebrating a specific culture), event costs (e.g., offering free admission or affordable ticket prices), promotional methods (e.g., using accessibility guidelines on materials), and accessible features (e.g., ASL translation).
DHBC encourages sustainable practices from its sponsorship partners. Event organizers are welcome to explain how they will promote and incorporate environmentally sustainable practices into their event.
In addition to these Assessment Guidelines, the Marketing Action Team will consider other factors when assessing an application for sponsorship. Some factors, such as how the requested funds will be used and the applicant’s ability to ensure the success of the event, will be given primary consideration. Other factors, including alignment with DHBC’s 2023-2026 Strategic Plan and any other relevant circumstances that may arise, may also be taken into account during the review process.
Events that do not meet these guidelines will not receive a monetary sponsorship, but may still receive promotional and other support from DHBC (e.g., gift cards for giveaways, etc.) at the discretion of the Director of Marketing and the Marketing Action Team.
What if I am planning more than one event in a year?
To ensure funding is distributed across a variety of events, event organizers hosting multiple events in a fiscal year (April 1 to March 31) will not receive more than the maximum amount they are eligible for, based on the combined attendance of all their events.
Therefore, event organizers planning multiple events are encouraged to apply for all events in one application.
How much money can I apply for?
Sponsorships are awarded based on the estimated attendance for an event and can range from $250.00 up to (but not exceeding) $7,500.00 including HST (if applicable). Sponsorship applicants are welcome to apply for any monetary amount based on the estimated attendance of their event within the ranges indicated below:
- Estimated Attendance: under 1,000 | Maximum you can apply for: $2,500
- Estimated Attendance: between 1,000 - 10,000 | Maximum you can apply for: $5,000
- Estimated Attendance: over 10,000 | Maximum you can apply for: $7,500
For example, an event with an attendance estimate of 3,000 people can apply for up to $5,000.00, while an
event expecting 400 people can apply for up to $2,500.00. An accurate event attendance estimation is required for the application.If you are unsure of how much you can apply for, please do not hesitate to contact Allana MacDonald Mills, allana@downtownhalifax.ca, for more information.
- Estimated Attendance: under 1,000 | Maximum you can apply for: $2,500
Can I apply for an Event Sponsorship for a charitable event?
NO. DHBC does not sponsor charities or their charitable fundraisers.
Events that have a fundraising component to their event (that is not the sole purpose of the event), are eligible to apply.
DHBC can help, though, to promote your charitable event if it is happening in Downtown Halifax through DHBC's social media channels, online events calendar and/or public-facing newsletter.
You can submit your event to DHBC's online event calendar here.
Will DHBC accept last minute event sponsorship applications?
DHBC does not accept last minute event sponsorship applications.
Event organizers planning an event between April 1 and September 30, will be asked to submit their application by March 7, 2025. Event organizers planning an event between October 1 and March 31, will be asked to submit their application by September 5, 2025. Event organizers with multiple events throughout the year will be asked to submit applications for all their events during the first assessment period.
It is important to note that DHBC is always open to discussing how we can help support and promote events in Downtown Halifax.
Contact Allana MacDonald Mills, allana@downtownhalifax.ca, to discuss your event and how we can help.
What if this is a first time event and I am not sure how to estimate the attendance of my event?
If you are a new event organizer or creating a new event or festival and are unsure of how to estimate the attendance of your event, we recommend the following options for estimating attendance:
- Base it on the capacity of the venue or location of your event.
- Look at other events that have taken place at the same location, the same time of year, or with a similar target audience.
- Reach out to your target audience to get an idea of interest in your event and how many people may want to attend.
- Talk to other event organizers on how they estimate attendance or what kind of attendance their past events have had.
If you are unable to properly estimate the attendance of your new event, we recommend applying for the lowest range of sponsorship funds (up to $2,500.00) for the first year.
For established events that have taken place before, we recommend basing your attendance estimate off the attendance of the previous year's event.
Why do first-time applicants need to show proof of venue/location booking when applying for an event sponsorship?
First-time applicants are required to show proof of their venue/location booking with their application to help demonstrate the organizer's commitment to hosting the event with or without sponsorship support from DHBC.
It is also to ensure that the applicant understands that their event must be taking place at a location in the Downtown Halifax area.
How do I receive compensation for my sponsorship?
All applicants will be notified by email of the status of their application by late March for Assessment Period 1, and by late September for Assessment Period 2.
Successful applicants will be asked to sign a sponsorship agreement and will receive a DHBC Event Sponsorship Package, which includes DHBC logos, Terms & Conditions, and additional materials including the Summary Report.
Successful applicants will be able to invoice DHBC for the amount awarded, including tax (if applicable), within 60 days of their event date. DHBC will issue a cheque no more than 30 days prior to the event which can either be mailed to the recipient or picked up at DHBC’s office at 104-1546 Barrington Street. Any additional activation support agreed upon between DHBC and the successful applicant will be provided to the applicant as per the terms agreed with DHBC.
If an event organizer has received funding for more than one event in a fiscal year, their funding will be split between the number of events they are hosting and paid in installments prior to each event.
For more information, please contact Allana MacDonald Mills, allana@downtownhalifax.ca.
How else does DHBC support and promote events in Downtown Halifax?
DHBC has a mandate to increase event attendance for all events that take place in Downtown Halifax. Regardless of whether or not we sponsor an event, and as long as the event/activation/festival is taking place within the Downtown Halifax area, DHBC can promote it on our social media channels, online events calendar, and public-facing newsletter.
Submit your events to DHBC's online events calendar here.
Applicants who do not qualify for event sponsorship may still be eligible for additional support in the form of gift card(s) for Downtown Halifax businesses, as agreed upon between the organizer and DHBC.
What happens if I receive an event sponsorship but I move my event to a venue outside of Downtown Halifax?
If an event is moved outside of the Downtown Halifax catchment area after a DHBC sponsorship has been awarded, the sponsorship will automatically be terminated.
Successful applicants are encouraged to inform DHBC immediately of any changes to their event after receiving sponsorship, so potential issues can be addressed proactively.
Do I have to submit any kind of report after my event is over?
YES. The Summary Report must be submitted no later than 3 months after the event finish date (or the finish date of the last event) to Allana MacDonald Mills, allana@downtownhalifax.ca.
Successful applicants will receive DHBC's Summary Report when they are awarded their sponsorship.
For event organizers who have received sponsorship for more than one event, please just fill out one Summary Report after the completion of your last event.
Returning applicants who have previously received a DHBC event sponsorship must submit the Event Summary Report for their most recent sponsored event before their next application will be considered.
What other events and/or festivals has DHBC sponsored in the past?
DHBC has sponsored a wide variety of events and festival, from large, annual festivals, to smaller, first-time events. This past year (2024-2025), DHBC sponsored over 40 events including:
- Haliente Dance Studio's Salsa on the Waterfront
- The Wave Placemaking's Taste Asia Festival
- ROCKWOOL Sail Grand Prix Canada
- AfterWords Literary Festival
- Kaos x Lumen Lux Groove Into Pride
- Independent Living Nova Scotia's Art of Disability Festival
- Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia's Savour Food & Wine Festival
- Hal-Con Science Fiction, Fantasy & Gaming Convention
- The Prismatic Arts Festival
- The Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo
- St. Matthew's United Church's Summer Sounds@Barrington
- The Coast's Halifax Burger Bash
- St. Patrick's Day Parade
- The Big Sing
- Drag Queens Busking
- Soli Production's Halifax Fashion Week
- The Supernova Market
- The Coastal Culture Clash at the Light House Arts Centre