DHBC's Board of Directors!

Downtown Halifax Business Commission’s (DHBC) Board of Directors is a governance board, meant to oversee the organization at a strategic level, outlining and monitoring objectives, and providing financial oversight. DHBC’s Board oversees a $2 million budget and the CEO, and is comprised of (max) 16 members of the Downtown Halifax business community, as well as one Municipal representative. More information below. 

Help shape the future of Downtown Halifax!

This is a very exciting time for Downtown Halifax Business Commission as we just launched Downtown Halifax Vision 2030, a report that will serve as a guide for current and new government officials and policymakers, assuring a bright future for Atlantic Canada’s capital city. We are also in our second year of a three-year Strategic Plan.

Candidates are assessed by the DHBC Board and the Board Nominations Committee. If selected, you are encouraged to attend DHBC’s Annual General Meeting typically held at the end of June every year, to be voted in.

Although spots are limited, know that we keep a list of interested people for future years.

Time commitment:

  • A two-year commitment, which can be extended for an additional two years.
  • Regular board meetings are typically held five times/year on Wednesdays, usually around lunch, and can be hybrid, with some members logging in virtually from time-to-time. 
  • Board Members are required to sit on a committee (Advocacy, Executive, Finance, HR & Governance, IDEA, Marketing, Placemaking).
  • The overall time commitment, barring unforeseen circumstances, is 25-35 hours per year. 

To assure a strong mix of skill sets and diversity, the more we know about you, the better.

Once the questionnaire is completed it will be assessed by the committee, and you will be contacted on next steps.

After May 22, 2024, your name will be considered for the following year. Thank you.